
No, Angry Foreigner is Not Alt-Right

I do not consider myself alt-right, and I never have. I don’t even consider myself ordinary right-wing. Every political test I’ve done places me left of center, and although Im not interested in labeling myself politically it should at least give testament to people’s misconceptions of me.
Ever since Hillary Clinton’s speech, all of a sudden everyone is defining themselves as alt-right. The term has even spread to Sweden where we, as far as I know, don’t have any alt-right movement online.

LIONEL PODCAST: Hairsplitting and Parsing, Dissecting and Analysis — Higher Order Synthesis

The most beautiful words ever enunciated and the most surely under threat of extinction. Broadly inclusive yet exquisitely imprecise. Magnificently vague in coverage yet the first line of defense against tyranny of expression and thought and the expression of the simple idea. The troublesome idea. The noxious and noisome. This is the essence of who we are as a republic. Let me explain and give examples accordingly.