
Colonialism and Puerto Rico’s Fiscal Crisis

Puerto Rico, is usually thought of as a tourism destination or is usually invisible in the U.S. media. In recent times, its fiscal and economic crisis has led to show up in the business pages of the mainstream media with inaccurate comparisons with Detroit or Greece whose fiscal crisis had attracted much media attention. As usual, the mainstream press looks at the illness without looking at the root causes. And the comparisons are usually risky because they tend to ignore history and the nuances of each case.

Unpacking the Lizard Brain from the Licentious Denizens of the Money Men

they call it lizard brain
sex, power, immediacy
drug-induced hedge fund impresarios
$1500 a trick, they laugh at sums
smaller than one million in Krugerrand
instant gratification hitting the jackpot
one more bites the dust
let them eat cake . . .
let the masters rule
someone asked if they know they
are killing their young, taking
the planet into biological implosion
is it a snake, simple, pure, or some
Monitor lizard we call Zionists
vulture capitalists, parasitic

Spring-time in Amerika — Bump those Adjuncts Until They Hurt!

I’ll flip the classroom on this post, putting down my response to another middling post from that middling thing called, Inside Higher Education, this on-line blog advertising sheet, DC-based (first problem) and one that is just a hotbed of behind-the-times (second knock against it) and failing to really know  the on-the-ground (third, knock) reality of school, community, real faculty and, well, the non-dominant white male/female perspectives (4th knock), the ones bred and enabled on that east coast (another knock) where we have seen a galaxy of pain put upon us, the 80 percent, by

Why We Are REALLY Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex

The first half-year of my post-college life has been spent in the non-profit industrial complex.  INCITE!, a radical organization by and for women of color, wrote a book entitled The Revolution Will Not be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex. This important text contains essays from radical scholars, activists, and organizers who assess the non-profit’s place in US monopoly capitalism.

Hoodwinked — Hook-Line-and-Sinker the School is Drowning

Shoot, yeah, ending another quarter teaching at another college, here in WA state, and, whew, of course the Chomsky’s and Giroux’s and Hedges of the world DO NOT get it.
Think of faculty in the trenches, working with youth, in my case, a whole load of high school students in a community college swap program called Running Start. We take juniors and seniors out of their high schools, they take college courses, and they get high school credit AND college credit.

The One Percent Freezes the Sharpened Bone and Waits for Blood

Jeff Drones for Dildos Bezos . . .  The TakeOver . . . The End Times . . .  Useless Collective Consumerism . . . The Empire is Daft and Dangerous!
Oh, hell, I’ve been challenged to write some positive stuff on the DV blog, like, what, five straight blogs in a row that are all hopeful, positive, about the real heroes and heroines and hard-working people who never get their day in the limelight, day in court, or 15 petrabytes of fame.

America’s Deep State

Bill Moyers of Moyers & Company, on February 21, 2014, interviewed Mike Lofgren, a former GOP congressional staff member, who, during the interview, confirmed what many Americans already suspect: America has become a corporate state, or to use Lofgren’s words, a “Deep State,” which he defines as a hybrid of corporate America and the national security state.