president vladimir putin

US media in all-out effort to stop Trump-Putin summit

Recently, plans for a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin were announced.
The report was first disclosed rather quietly late on a Friday evening three weeks ago in the Wall Street Journal, and subsequent reports indicated more and more details in terms of both the intent and the stage of planning conducted for these meetings. Hopes are rising that this meeting will lead to a normalization of relations between the US and Russia.
Over the past two weeks, the press has tried to destroy this narrative.

Venezuela: Vanguard of a New World

Venezuela is a champion in democracy, in democratic elections, as proven twice within the last twelve months and more than a dozen times since 1999. Never mind that the lunatic west doesn’t want to accept it simply because the west – the US and her handlers – and her European vassals, cannot tolerate a socialist country prospering, one that is so close to the empire’s border and on top of it, loaded with natural riches, like oil and minerals.