Realising the potential of art for peace-building
There is still little documentation of how art creates social and personal change. We must develop this language, argues Charlotte Onslow
There is still little documentation of how art creates social and personal change. We must develop this language, argues Charlotte Onslow
Cutting meat and dairy consumption will help the world to meet its 2050 carbon emission targets, says Giles Crosse. The problem can be tackled, but only if the world’s governments stop ignoring the issue and subsidising cheap agricultural products
As US-Cuba relations begin to be restored, a new musical education programme aims to show what the world can learn about sustainability and self-sufficiency from the small island state. Project organiser and researcher Denise Baden explains
Editors may believe that negative news sells, but Denise Baden’s research indicates that it is having adverse effects on our wellbeing. This is an ethical issue, she says, and suggests that more constructive reporting could present a solution
Poverty is not inevitable, says Common Cause director Karen Snow. Either we remain indifferent, or we do something to help those below the line help themselves
Politics can be a divisive subject. But rather than arguing about our differences in the run up to the election, an event called Turn Up and Hold Hands is inviting people to take a moment to celebrate what unites us as human beings. Organiser Samantha Moyo explains
Could society move beyond the rhetoric of 'strivers' and 'skivers' and be rebuilt around understanding and compassion? The effects would be revolutionary, argues Elena Blackmore
There is an ‘unheard third’ of the UK who choose not to vote in general elections. But, argues Simon Pardoe, by turning up at the polls, even to vote 'none', they could help change the system that they seem so dissatisfied with
Peace is no longer a utopian ideal, says Peace in the City director Ella Matheson, who explores the idea of a government department focused solely on promoting peace and harmony