
Colombia: Where Life has to Defeat Death

In one of the poorest neighborhoods of Bogota, Belen, I saw two people bleeding in the middle of the road. One person was clearly dead. A group of onlookers was moving frantically, shouting loudly. There was an attempt to resurrect an injured man. I asked the driver to inquire whether our help was needed, but he was told something insulting by the locals, and insisted that we leave the scene immediately.
Was it a traffic accident? Or a murder? The driver did not know. He actually did not want to know.

Enquête : comment la police a éborgné le « gilet jaune » Manuel le 16 novembre à Paris

Source : Youtube, Le Monde, 11-12-2019

Grâce à l’analyse de plusieurs heures de vidéos, la modélisation 3D des lieux et l’identification du projectile, « Le Monde » a reconstitué la séquence au terme de laquelle le « gilet jaune» Manuel Coisne a perdu l’usage de son œil gauche, lors de la manifestation du 16 novembre, place d’Italie à Paris.

UPS Joins Media Chorus In Thanking Police For Murder of Frank Ordonez 

27-year-old UPS driver Frank Ordonez was killed as police officers riddled his vehicle with bullets Friday. A pair of suspected robbers had hijacked his truck as he drove through Broward County in Southeastern Florida. Ordonez was an unwilling participant in a long and dangerous chase, as police followed the truck speeding through red lights, finally stopping when they hit heavy, rush hour traffic.