
Interview 1330 – The Ochelli Effect on Big Oil Technocracy

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-12-05%20Ochelli%20Effect.mp3"][/audio]James joins Chuck Ochelli of The Ochelli Effect to discuss soft censorship, big oil and technocracy. As we move into the technocratic future, how do we make sense of the past that brought us to this point, and how do we counteract the agenda?

Venezuela Bucks Petrodollar, Announces Cryptocurrency Backed by Oil

Months after Russia became the first country to announce the creation of a state-backed Cryptorouble, Venezuela has followed suit, announcing the creation of El Petro, a state-sanctioned cryptocurrency to be backed by Venezuela’s extensive reserves of crude oil.
Venezuela has already broken free of Dollar dependence months ago when Caracas announced it would be trading its oil using China’s Petroyuan. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro also stated that he would like to begin trade with Russia in the Rouble.

China discovers 1 BILLION TONS of crude oil in single region

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Episode 324 – Data is the New Oil

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode324-lq.mp3"][/audio]In this follow up to Why Big Oil Conquered the World, James further explores the concept of technocracy. If "Data is the New Oil" then what does that tell us about the 21st century oligarchy and the world that they are creating? And, once we understand the technocratic prison they are creating, how do we escape it? Don't miss this important episode of The Corbett Report podcast.

Salman’s Shake-Up: Saudi Maneuvers Are Bad for the American People

The Ritz Carlton Hotel in downtown Riyadh is now serving as a temporary prison, holding some of the 201 people that have been detained on the orders of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. 1,800 bank accounts have been frozen.
The drama is escalating on the international front as well. The Saudis are blaming Iran for a recent missile attack from Yemen. The Prime Minister of Lebanon has resigned from his post while in Riyadh and echoes Saudi rhetoric against Hezbollah.

The Saudi Purge Is ​Far More Important Than It Seems. ​Here’s Why.

James Corbett reveals a larger picture behind the Saudi Purge, and the shifting balance of global political and economic power. The details are fascinating and profound- fascinating because of the hidden forces that are exposed- and profound because they allow us to see into the near future in which the US Petro-Dollar may be replaced by the Chinese "Petro-Yuan" - and this could lead to a real world war for global dominance. [...]