Mainstream Media

Putin Paranoia

By Peter Van Buren | We Meant Well | March 31, 2017 Things about America we’ve learned since November. Our nation, the republic, democracy, our very system of government is more fragile than at any other time in American history. So fragile that everything has, or is in near-immediate danger of, collapsing, after only a […]

April Fools’ is now a year long event

In many parts of the world, the First of April is ‘April Fools’ Day’, a day of jokes, innocent white lies, hoaxes and humorous untruths.
Many newspapers and magazines used to participate in April Fools’ Day by publishing humorous, fake articles. For example one might have said,
–‘Moon landing faked in film studio admits cloned chimpanzee’
–‘Dutch Prime Minister resigns over spontaneous wildebeest stampede’
–‘I’m not actually dead, claims Augusto Pinochet’
–‘Russian plot exposed to elect famous billionaire US President as personal Putin puppet’

Fabian Fjalling - Fighting Back Against the Lying Swedish Press - Hour 1

Fabian Fjälling, also known as Erik Johansson from Granskning Sverige (Review Sweden), joins us for a discussion about his recent visitation by Expressen, one of the largest evening newspapers in Sweden. Fabian has been known to call up journalists, politicians, and other people in the Swedish establishment to ask whether or not the Swedes exist as a people. Fabian was recently doxed, and he'll share with us just why the media establishment in Sweden considers him a thought criminal.

A Greek perspective on Donald Trump, Brexit, and media hysteria

It’s a typical winter’s evening in Athens. This has been a cold winter, and the air is brisk. And wherever I go, the sweet smell of “success” is in the air. By “success” I am referring to none other than the vaunted “European dream,” and the “success story” of the Greek economy, as described by Greece’s former prime minister Antonis Samaras in late 2014, and as often repeated—even if not in those exact terms—by Greece’s “first time left” prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, far more recently.

There’s a SWAMP in DC, and there’s a CESSPOOL in Europe (VIDEO)

One month into the Trump era, it’s merely stating the obvious to say that Donald Trump has been a veritable earthquake to the powers-that-be in the USA.
As Trump himself often reminds audiences, he is not alone, but has taken the mantle of leadership of a true conservative movement.
As The Duran’s Peter Lavelle and Alex Christoforou (off camera) discuss in the following video, the political left in its arrogance was totally blind to the fact that the right also had the capacity to organize – that is had agency.

Here’s What It Looks Like When the Mainstream Media Gets It Right

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed)  — In an era of what WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange calls “weaponized text” — when terms like “fake news” can be used to discredit media outlets who refuse to tow the corporate line — it’s important to point out instances where journalists get it right.
One such journalist, who got it right for The New Yorker on Tuesday, is Steve Coll — whether he meant to or not.

George W. Bush stands by the Iraq War and is embraced by liberal MSM (VIDEO)

Anyone who knows anything about Soviet politics, understands the process of  a public figure being officially rehabilitated by the state.
Essentially, when a public figure is officially condemned by the authorities, months, years or sometimes decades later he or she can be rehabilitated. It’s as if to say, ‘we were wrong, he was actually a patriot and a good guy after all’.