Laurie Goodstein

Easter 2015: NY Times Ritually Defames Christ

Just Like the Judaic-owned newspaper did in 2014By Michael HoffmanTruth Campaigner •"…An assortment of inscriptions that led some to suggest Jesus of Nazareth was married and fathered a child and that the Resurrection could never have happened.” — Israeli reporter Isabel Kershner, NY Times, Easter Sunday, April 5, p. A4Judaic bigotry and hate speech against Jesus Christ manifests ceremonially in the Zionist-controlled media at Christmas and Easter, the holiest seasons for Christians.

Attacks on Jesus and Mary are timed for Christmas and Good Friday

Hate speech attacks on Mary and Jesus are timed to coincide with Christmas and Good FridayBy Michael Hoffman | Christmas Eve, 2014The Cryptocracy has a proclivity for timing the publication of heavily publicized speeches, “news” articles and books that dishonor and defame Jesus and Blessed Mary close to Advent and Lent —  observances which some Protestants and Mormons disparage as meaningless or even pagan, but which the Cryptocracy knows are archetypal sacred seasons linked to the people’s image of Christ, presenting an opportunity for demon-possessed individuals to ritually insult and tra