GOP Passes Bill To Make It Easier For Rich Tax Cheats To Get Away With It

Sometimes we forget that right-wing political parties generally are not really organized around racism, bigotry and societal divisiveness just for the sake of those values. Racism, bigotry and that kind of purposeful divisiveness are not really core values for most legitimate right wing political parties. Greed and selfishness are.

IRS Claims Two Years Of Emails Were Destroyed In A ‘Computer Crash;’ Congressman Asks The NSA To Supply ‘Missing’ Email Metadata

By Tim Cushing | Techdirt | June 16, 2014 The IRS is currently being investigated by Congress for some possibly politically-motivated “attention” it directed towards “Tea Party” and other conservative groups that operated as tax-exempt entities. Along the way, IRS official Lois Lerner, who was the first to publicly disclose the inappropriate targeting, was also […]

Too Many Millionaires In The Class War Against American Democracy?

No one likes the tax collector; no one ever has. But the anti-IRS hysteria generated by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Congress' richest (and most crooked) Member, was way beyond the ginned up Tea Party Scandal merited-- even by right wing standards of hollow victimology and martyrdom. But it was never very difficult to figure out why they worked so hard to undermine the IRS and delegitimize its authority-- and slash its budget.

The NYT Editorial Board takes on the Koch Bros' political money machine

"The clandestine influence of the Kochs and their Palm Springs friends would be much reduced if they were forced to play in the sunshine."-- from an editorial in tomorrow's NYT, "The Koch Party"by KenI've noted that the Koch Brothers have turned up in any number of posts from Howie and Noah, and worry that I haven't been wielding my wee cudgel often enough.

Obamacare Is Another Private Sector Rip-Off of Americans

The Private Sector Allied with Government is a Second IRS
The government of the “world’s only superpower,” the “exceptional,” the “indispensable” country, claims to know what is best for Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Mali, Russia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, China, indeed for the entire world. However, the “indispensable” country cannot even govern itself, much less the world over which the “superpower” desires hegemony. The government of the “world’s only superpower” has shut itself down.

Tobacco Industry Lobbyists And P.R. Hacks Reinvented The Tea Party-- All They Needed Were Some Angry, Lo-Info Kooks Willing To Wear "Attention-Drawing Accouterments"

Howie with a crackpot happily wearing attention-drawing accouterments, Pasadena, 2009 Many Republicans will tell you former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) invented the TEA Party-- Taxed Enough Already-- to help popularize the Republican scheme to eliminate progressive taxation, which they feel puts too much burden on the wealthy-- and replace it with a flat tax that would force the burden down the income scale.