
Crowds, Masses and Movements

Orientation Why study crowds, masses and movements? It is tempting to imagine that as socialists we must know a great deal about crowds, masses, and in medieval thought individual meant inseparable, that is indivisible. People were defined as individuals by reference to the groups of which they were members. Group membership defined their very identity […]
The post Crowds, Masses and Movements first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Sobchak: Liberals hope to make gains in Russia

Ksenia Sobchak may have won more than her 1.6% of the vote in the March 18 elections seems to say. Although Mrs. Sobchak lost, in part as her campaign surely took some kind of hit because of her emotional breakdown under the furious slander of Vladimir Zhirinovsky during last week’s presidential “debate” program, her margin is significant and may be something of concern in Russia’s future. This, even though this time around Mrs. Sobchak carried the highest unfavorability rating, at 82% in this election season.