immigration invasion
Mortal Sins Breed Mortal Enemies
Mortal Sins Breed Mortal EnemiesBy Michael Hoffmanwww.RevisionistHistory.orgItem: In the wake of giving Rothschild asset Emmanuel Macron the rule of France and the majority in the National Assembly, the French are this morning wringing there hands over another jihadi terror attack in Paris.
Britain’s Bulldog Breed Bite New World Order
Britain’s Bulldog Breed Takes a Bite Out of the New World OrderThe British have voted for national sovereignty and independence and against the Money Power and the EU's Tower of Babel. Thank God!By Michael Hoffman ©2016 www.revisionisthistory.orgListen to an audio version of this column hereNo people can sustain themselves on repeated defeats.
Is Pope Francis the Antichrist?
Is Pope Francis the Antichrist? By Michael Hoffman www.RevisionistHistory.orgThe “who am I to judge?” pontiff issues a judgment on Donald Trump: “Not a Christian”We’ve got a history lesson for “His Holiness” — Christianity from Britain to Italy was repeatedly saved and preserved through victories in border wars and by erecting walls and forts. Mr.