Gunnar Westberg

TFF PressInfo # 427: Is the nuclear taboo waning?

Revisiting Hiroshima in Iran – Tragic news that US citizens accept nuking non-combatants
By Gunnar Westberg, TFF Board

Opinion study tells that a majority of US citizens accept killing 2 million civil Iranians if it could save 20.000 US soldiers there.
Plus links to urgently important articles about US-Iran relations and the nuclear deal.
This is TFF PressInfo # 427.

North Korea: A danger that can easily be contained

By Gunnar Westberg
TFF Board member
An easy Q & A session:
Question: What does Kim Jong-un and the leaders of DPRK, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea want?
Answer: Security for themselves, power and privileges.
Q. Are their privileges and their leadership threatened?
A: Yes. From outside and from inside.
Q: What outside danger?
A: An attack from the USA.

President Donald J. Trump, the Triumphant Genius!

By Gunnar Westberg
On his first tour abroad, President Trump chose to visit Saudi Arabia, Israel and Nato. The three most important pillars supporting the United States of America! And he got what he wanted.
Saudi ordered weapons for more than 100 billion dollars and promised investment in the President’s country of about 300 billion.