Thousands of Farmers in India Rise up Against Monsanto

Some have said that India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, arrived at the nation’s pro-GMO position with the help of generous campaign funding from a GMO lobby, but that hasn’t stopped thousands of Indian farmers from demonstrating against Monsanto and their biotech cronies in a massive grassroots movement that shuns anti-farmer practices and genetically modified crop farming.

Prediction: New Monsanto-Backed Study to Find GMOs ‘Perfectly Safe’

As the public awakens to the true reality of GMOs and the disease-breeding practices of biotech juggernaut Monsanto, billions stand to be lost with the culmination of GMO labeling initiatives across the United States and abroad. And with such a large amount of money at risk, some investors and executives will resort to any measures necessary in order to secure their stake.

How Fukushima may be a Greater Threat than Monsanto’s GMOs

For years we’ve discussed the numerous dangers of Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds — from unstoppable genetic contamination to the newly-admitted link between the company’s top selling herbicide and cancer. All in all, the list goes on and on. But GMOs aside, what may be an even greater threat to not only our individual futures, but the future of humanity itself, is what I call the ‘Fukushima nightmare.’

This City in Oregon is Set to Become a ‘GMO-Free’ Zone

The state of Vermont recently experienced an enormous victory over biotech corruption when their legislators chose to uphold a mandatory GMO labeling bill, but Benton County Oregon might soon one-up that mighty action by becoming a GMO-free zone.
Ballots were mailed to Benton County residents on April 30, and a vote will transpire no late than May 19th, 2015. The new ordinance is an attempt for local residents to take back their food supply. Measure 2-89 would:

26 Organizations that Support GMO Labeling

You know all those biotech shills who still claim that there is no ‘science’ behind anti-GM claims? What if millions of members (PDF download) of the global medical community disagreed? There is no consensus on the safety of GMOs, though numerous organizations believe that they should be labeled at the very least.
As Environmental Sciences Europe explains:

Two Major Biotech Companies May Soon Merge into ‘Mega Monsanto’

What would you get when you combine 2 of the largest chemical-biotech-seed companies on the planet? We may just find out soon enough, as biotech juggernaut Monsanto is reportedly looking to take over another big player in the biotech field, Syngenta. The merge would likely result in the further monopolization of the food supply – with GMOs and chemical pesticides at the crux.