German general relieved of command… for his views?

In early May, German Brig. Gen. Jared Sembritzki assumed the responsibility of being U.S. Army Europe’s new chief of staff.
Prior to this assignment, Brig. Gen. Sembritzki served as the commander of the 23rd Mountain Infantry Brigade in Bad Reichenhall, Germany. He joined the German army in 1990 as a cadet at Infantry Battalion 67 in Breitenburg-Nordoe.

EU end inches closer. German court says NO to Eurobonds (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how Germany’s Constitutional Court upheld several complaints against the European Central Bank’s purchase of government bonds under a program started in 2015 and meant to boost EU economies and hold inflation to just below 2%. The ruling by Germany’s supreme court was the result of years of debate over the role of the eurozone’s central bank.

For Victory Day: It’s Time to Think About Finally Winning WWII

75 years ago Germany surrendered to allied forces finally ending the ravages of the Second World War.
Today, as the world celebrates the 75th anniversary of this victory, why not think very seriously about finally winning that war once and for all?
If you’re confused by this statement, then you might want to sit down and take a deep breath before reading on. Within the next 12 minutes, you will likely discover a disturbing fact which may frighten you a little bit: The allies never actually won World War II…

For Victory Day: It’s Time to Think About Finally Winning WWII

75 years ago Germany surrendered to allied forces finally ending the ravages of the Second World War.
Today, as the world celebrates the 75th anniversary of this victory, why not think very seriously about finally winning that war once and for all?
If you’re confused by this statement, then you might want to sit down and take a deep breath before reading on. Within the next 12 minutes, you will likely discover a disturbing fact which may frighten you a little bit: The allies never actually won World War II…

75-Year Victory Day celebration over a Russia in quarantine [Video]

One cannot resist thinking that this Victory Day scene is a bit post-apocalyptic. The sight of the yearly military air parade over Moscow was a welcome sight as I watched several formations of fighter planes and a single Tupolev bomber fly over my home in southeastern Moscow. Tuning in to RT’s “Ruptly” service online yielded a video presented here in full:

German Government Bails Out Owners of German Corporations

Just as the corrupt U.S. Government is bailing out owners of U.S. corporations while the American public experiences a recession that is heading into a depression, the corrupt German Government likewise is bailing out investors. It’s not illegal for the Government to do that — not even when the corporation that they might bail out next is the nation’s flag-carrying airline, which already receives unfair advantages in competing against other airlines in that country.

German Government Bails Out Owners of German Corporations

Eric Zuesse
Just as the corrupt U.S. Government is bailing out owners of U.S. corporations while the American public experiences a recession that is heading into a depression, the corrupt German Government likewise is bailing out investors. It’s not illegal for the Government to do that — not even when the corporation that they might bail out next is the nation’s flag-carrying airline, which already receives unfair advantages in competing against other airlines in that country.

Leading German Virologist: ‘COVID-19 Less Deadly Than We Thought’

German scientist, Professor Hendrik Streeck has been studying groups of subjects in his country and has reached a number of compelling provisional findings regarding the viral behaviour of the new Coronavirus.
Streeck also explains why he thinks that draconian ‘lockdown’ measures were decided in haste, and may ultimately be deemed to have been completely unnecessary.