GEG Commentary

The NY Fed, Owned by Banks, Is Bailing Out all Failing Businesses – Including the Banks

In principle, everything being done now has been done before but on a smaller scale. The limitless scope of the new program is new, but the Fed remains in complete control at every step - including control over Congress and the White House. As usual, this latest maneuver is of the banks, by the banks, and for the banks.

The United Nations Wants 10% Global Tax to Respond to Coronavirus Pandemic

The money will not stop people from getting sick and dying, which will be labeled as coronavirus. Therefore, the pandemic will grow - at least in the statistics - economies will be further damaged, and the failure will be blamed on insufficient funding, which will pave the way for more money each year - forever.

Italian Research Group Reports that Newest Swab Test for Covid-19 Being Used in China Produces 80% False-Positive Results on Those Who Are Diagnosed on the Basis of Contact Only

Corvelva, an Italian vaccine research group, warns that coronavirus vaccines being rushed into market are unlikely to be subjected to adequate testing for safety or effectiveness. That means there is a high probability they will not work and will cause great harm.