FRANCE – First Round Of Presidential Elections Are Underway
21st Century Wire says…
The gates are open and they’re off.
21st Century Wire says…
The gates are open and they’re off.
Qu’on se le dise, ce jour est à marquer d’une pierre blanche. Malgré des réglementations toujours plus strictes pour favoriser un entre-soi constitué des partis politiques dominants et de leurs opposants traditionnels (FN, LO, etc.), un petit évènement vient de se produire dans le PPF (Panorama Politique Français).
Maidan has come full circle: masked protesters took down the EU flags in Kiev and Social Media exploded with the revelations that Maidan was Russia’s plan to push Ukraine into
About a week ago we looked at the upcoming French presidential elections from the perspective of the primary of the center-right party, Les Républicains, which have since had their run-off and selected the