Federal Reserve

In Blow to Federal Reserve, Arizona Just Legalized Gold and Silver as Currency

(ANTIMEDIA) Phoenix, AZ — The latest massive price increases in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have boosted the credibility of investors who criticize the fiat currency system. Unfortunately, precious metals haven’t followed in crypto’s footsteps yet, and heavy losses over the last few years have led many people to write off the asset class altogether.

Interview 1276 – G. Edward Griffin Debunks the JFK/Fed Myth

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2017-05-17%20Edward%20Griffin.mp3"][/audio]If you follow the alt media you've probably heard the theory that the bankers were behind the JFK assassination. The theory holds that JFK was trying to end the Fed by creating debt-free, silver-backed money through Executive Order 11110, and the bankers saw this as a threat to their monopoly over the money supply. But this theory is not just wrong, it is completely opposite to reality.

Ron Paul Warns “We Are In The Last Stages Of The Welfare-Warfare State”

(RPICongress ended the week by passing a continuing resolution keeping the government funded for one more week. This stopgap funding bill is designed to give Congress and the White House more time to negotiate a long-term spending bill. Passage of a long-term spending bill has been delayed over objections to Republican efforts to preserve Obamcare’s key features but give states a limited ability to opt out of some Obamacare mandates.

Congress Will Not Control Spending Until the Money Is Fixed

The homilies you hear every day now on the danger of the debt and deficit – and why the US must never cut taxes for fear of increasing them – are mostly political rhetoric designed to perpetuate the ongoing pillaging of the American taxpayer. The way to restrain debt accumulation is through spending control, and the way to impose that is through market discipline under real-world conditions.