Fake News Week @21WIRE

Fake News Fail: Venezuelan Government Finally Orders Shutdown of CNN for Bogus and Misleading Reports

Deep State TV network and master of fake news, CNN, now being kicked out of countries for spreading twisted propaganda and trying to destabilize societies and governments.
Among the fake news stories being broadcast on CNN in Venezuela have been bogus reports of President Maduro’s Venezuelan government selling illegal passports to Middle East terrorists and other drug traffickers

French Presidential Candidate: ‘Fake News’ & ‘Russian Hack’ – The New Political Cry Wolf

21st Century Wire says…
The French candidate, Emmanuel Macron, who is being hyped by the European and French establishment, seems to be borrowing a tactic from the leftist media and Hillary Clinton campaign. Some might say a bold, or perhaps slightly misguided move by the French candidate considering how it failed the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media in the wake of their loss to Donald Trump in the recent US elections.