Environmental Protection

What, Me Worry? Humans Are Blind to Imminent Environmental Collapse

Curious thing about H. sapiens is that we are clever enough to document — in exquisite detail — various trends that portend the collapse of modern civilization, yet not nearly smart enough to extricate ourselves from our self-induced predicament. This was underscored once again in October when scientists reported that flying insect populations in Germany have declined by an alarming 75 per[Read More...]

Great Barrier Reef Politics

Australia’s environment has been in precarious hands since European settlement found its lengthy and persistent way to the continent.  It has been mined, mauled, drained, farmed, deforested and despoiled at a rate that was only restrained by the size of its small but rapacious populace.  When environmental matters have made an appearance, they have done so with a veil of[Read More...]

Water Scarcity in Uttarakhand

Hariyal, a village situated 17kms from Nainital, a popular tourist destination is just like any other village in the hills of Uttarakhand. Roti, kapda, makaan and migration have always been an issue for the locals here, but in the last 10-15 years water scarcity seems to have taken over all the other issues. ‘Jal hi jeevan hain’ says Suresh Rawat,[Read More...]

Sundarbans are threatened by India’s export of coal powered energy to Bangladesh

At a time when India has shelved several planned coal power plants across many of its states, it is constructing a new coal power plant to supply electricity to energy starved Bangladesh. Located at the edge of the Sundarbans, one of the world’s largest mangrove forests shared by India and Bangladeshand a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Rampal power plant[Read More...]

How Green Is My Forest

Lit by chlorophyll and the conjurations of trees, there’s a trail through a forest along the Stone River where the light never repeats. Slender and winding, this is a generous trail; always bearing gifts. Some days it offers melodies; other days, stories. Often it offers ideas and memories. It does this, I’ve now come to understand, through streams of sensory ticklings. Paintings:[Read More...]

Why is the Central Government Silent on Swami Gyan Swaroop Sanand’s Fast?

86 years old Swami Gyan Swaroop Sanand is on a fast unto death since 22 June, 2018 in Haridwar demanding a law for conservation of river Ganga but the Central government has not taken a step to convince him to give up his fast. This raises question on the intention of government. It appears that the government is deliberately ignoring[Read More...]

Toxic Silence: Public Officials, Monsanto and the Media

Are you being lied to or misled? Environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason certainly thinks so and has provided much supporting evidence. She has been campaigning against the agrochemical industry for many years (all her work can be accessed here) and has borne witness to the destruction of her own nature reserve in South Wales, which she argues is due to the widespread spraying of[Read More...]

India Mortgaged? Forced-Fed Illness and the Neoliberal Food Regime

Like many countries, India’s food system was essentially clean just a generation or two ago but is now being comprehensively contaminated with sugar, bad fats, synthetic additives, GMOs and pesticides under the country’s neoliberal ‘great leap forward’. The result has been a surge in obesity, diabetes and cancer incidence, while there has been no let-up in the under-nutrition of those[Read More...]

The Environmental Suicide!

(The way we have been deliberately and knowingly destroying various components of Nature in Kashmir makes it look like an Environmental “Suicide”!) Recently there has been news about some dredging scam in the Wular Lake area where the contract given to a firm has been cancelled. The need for dredging of the second largest sweet water lake in Asia is[Read More...]