David Frum

The Doctrine of ‘Superior People’: The Bond between Israel and World Zionism

By James Petras :: 09.04.2015 Introduction The single greatest feat of Israel and its overseas missions has not been material success, or the military conquest of millions of unarmed Palestinians, it has been ideological – the widespread acceptance in the US of a doctrine that claims ‘Jews are a superior people.’ Apart from small extremist […]

The Party Of Greed And Selfishness Could Make A Come Back… Someday

Don't worry about the GOP. It has not been captured completely by neo-Nazis and Klansmen. Former Bush-Cheney Regime functionary David Frum wants to reassure everyone that "[t]he large donors who supported George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney continue to hold sway within their party." Populism on the right, he asserts, has not taken over his beloved party of greed and selfishness.

Which Faction's Pull Inside The GOP Is Strongest-- The Libertarians Or The Religious Nuts?

Rand Paul and Sharron Angle… what could possibly go wrong?David Frum-- your grandpa's version of a Republican-- is worried that those nutty Libertarians are making inroads into his party again. Last week he took issue with Robert Draper's assertion that Rand Paul is the solution to the GOP's demographic problems. "What he wrote was not true.

Sorry, GOP-- Angry Old Racist Men Are Dying Off Faster Than Wise, Kindly Women

I follow some conservatives on twitter, mostly to keep track of what kind of sedition they're up to. But I follow David Frum-- Bush's "axis of evil" speech-writer-- for another reason: he actually writes about interesting ideas. The other day he was tweeting away about how an average of one head of state per year was assassinated between 1894 and 1914.