Counter Solutions

Averting The Apocalypse: Lessons From Costa Rica

Earlier this summer, a paper published in the journal Nature captured headlines with a rather bleak forecast. Our chances of keeping global warming below the 2C danger threshold are very, very small: only about 5%. The reason, according to the paper’s authors, is that the cuts we’re making to greenhouse gas emissions are being cancelled out by economic growth. In the coming[Read More...]

Local currencies: The wasted opportunities

Within alternative movements there is much interest in introducing local currencies and they have been central elements in many Transition Towns and other initiatives.  Unfortunately I think most of these have been quite misguided, failing to grasp the power a local currency can have, and not likely to make a significant contribution to goals such as town sustainability and resilience.[Read More...]

Capitalism Is Not the Only Choice

Since the breakup of the Soviet bloc and China’s turn toward free markets, many economists have pronounced an “end of history,” where capitalism reigns supreme as the ultimate form of economy. Perhaps “there is no alternative” to a globalized neoliberal economy, as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher often said. Indeed, free markets in which individuals compete to get what[Read More...]

IEA Predicts Rise of Cheap Renewables And China’s Move Away From Coal

The global energy system is in a state of flux. Renewables are experiencing rapid deployment and steep pricefalls. A growing portion of global energy is provided by electricity. There’s a slow, but apparently inexorable move away from coal in China. And there’s a surge in natural gas and oil production in the US. These are just some of the insights[Read More...]

The English City With Its Own Cryptocurrency: Q&A With The Founders Of HullCoin

The staff at the nonprofit organization HullCoin has done something very unusual in the city of Hull in northeast United Kingdom. They’ve launched their own local cryptocurrency — programmed on top of Bitcoin to be issued by nonprofits and social institutions — as a way of combating financial exclusion and other problems that are at the root of poverty. Residents of Hull can earn[Read More...]

1 Minute Read: The Role of Money in the Age of the Sixth Biodiversity Extinction and Global Warming

  The difference between debt and sovereign money is that debt has to be paid back, with interest, but sovereign money does not, though it can be taxed out of circulation by the local government if we have minted too much of it. 60 central banks got together recently to discuss the algorithms for creating and managing a sovereign electronic[Read More...]

Women Hold The Key To The Battle Against Poverty

(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty –17 October 2017) This year marks the 25th anniversary of the declaration by the United Nations of 17 October as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. We have still a long way to go for making this world poverty free .One of the key strategies for eliminating poverty is focusing on women   and girls. Achieving gender[Read More...]

Revolution, Not Reform: Moral Courage, Redefining Progress, And The Myth of Social Democracy

  “Revolution in society must begin with the inner, psychological revolution of the individual. Most of us want to see a radical transformation of the social structure…however radical that social revolution may be its nature is static if there is no inward revolution, no psychological transformation…However much and however wisely legislation may be promulgated, society is always in the process[Read More...]

We Need To Re-Educate Ourselves To Survive And Live Life At Its Best

We presently are using whatever we can, with little to no concerns for our children’s future, as they, on present trend have little prospect and less to no chance that their offspring will be able to survive. Yet the continuation of life is life’s primary concern. But not in civilisation, with the new socioeconomic system of global capitalism, education primary[Read More...]