
We Won the Write-in! Let’s have a debate.

Our democracy is based on GOTV, Getting Out The Vote, and we did it! Most of the grand total of 5,239 write-in votes went to cartoon characters, dogs, or others who did not do the paperwork. Of those who did become “qualified” write-in candidates, I received 832 votes, followed by a Republican with 178 votes, Libertarian 39, No Party Preference 26, and American Independent 3.

We Won the Write-in! Let’s have a debate!

Our democracy is based on GOTV, Getting Out The Vote, and we did it! Most of the grand total of 5,239 write-in votes went to cartoon characters, dogs, or others who did not do the paperwork. Of those who did become “qualified” write-in candidates, I received 832 votes, followed by a Republican with 178 votes, Libertarian 39, No Party Preference 26, and American Independent 3.

We Won the Write-in! Let’s have a debate!

Our democracy is based on GOTV, Getting Out The Vote, and we did it! Most of the grand total of 5,239 write-in votes went to cartoon characters, dogs, or others who did not do the paperwork. Of those who did become “qualified” write-in candidates, I received 832 votes, followed by a Republican with 178 votes, Libertarian 39, No Party Preference 26, and American Independent 3.

House Republicans plan cuts to all infrastructure spending to support massive military budget

A 2019 budget plan cooked up by House Republicans aims at cutting all federal spending that isn’t defense related in an effort to reign in the debt problem. It includes massive cuts to medicare, medicaid, Social Security, education grants, welfare, and other programs aimed and softening the blow of America’s growing poverty rate. Meanwhile, this comes about while Trump is cutting taxes on the rich, introducing a ‘Space Force’, and providing massive increases to military spending.