Central Asia

Why isn’t China Intervening in the Events Occurring in Kyrgyzstan?

Over the past few years, the lion’s share of the countries in Central Asia (CA) have been undergoing a period involving social, economic, and political transformation. The region desperately needs to put transportation and social projects in place, create new jobs, industries, and energy facilities, and improve the quality of education and healthcare, all of […]

America’s “New Vision” of Central-Asia: Just Like the Old One – Only Meaner

“A new vision of Central-Asia”, that’s how the Heritage Foundation think tank frames US policy in many CIS nations. However, the new version of the “vision” is perilously close to the former Anglo European colonial view of what should be in places like Kazakstan. A US State Department announcement of throwing some Agency for International […]

West Hopes to Play its Belarusian Card in Kyrgyzstan?

On October 4, Kyrgyzstan is scheduled to hold its parliamentary election for the 7th consecutive time since the republic gained its independence. The Supreme Council is the unicameral Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic. These elections are quite important for Kyrgyz society because starting in 2010, when a constitutional referendum was held, the nation embarked on a path to become a parliamentary democracy.

The US and its “Humanitarian” War for Central Asia

Despite the failure of the color revolution campaign organized by Washington, the United States and its allies show no signs of moving their attention away from Central Asia. The countries in the region continue to receive so-called “assistance” that permeates all spheres of life of the republics, implanting foreign values, undermining the authorities and interfering in internal affairs, actively trying to tear these states away from Russia and China.

Afghanistan: No End of Failure in Sight

As the recent events in Afghanistan and the actions of the United States show, resolving this conflict in the country is becoming more and more problematic in the coming years. Unfortunately, we have to admit that none of the powers trying to influence Afghanistan, including players within the country, currently have the capability to create peace in Afghanistan. This can lead to a state in which the situation in Afghanistan and the South Asian region will remain unchanged in the foreseeable future.