
Kids Introduced to Illuminati Theory by the Cartoon Network

The Cartoon Network's show, Teen Titans Go, is preparing young children to recognize Illuminati symbolism and theory for world domination by banks and elitists. It's possible the producers really don't understand the deeper meaning of this symbolism, but it also is possible that they are hoping to prepare young minds to subliminally recognize these symbols and theories and to 'normalize' them in their thinking. Either way, we are including this in our news because we think you may be interested in what is being shown to our children.

Most Awarded Prime Minister In India!

Film actor Praksh Raj is a good actor who has acted in several films in different languages. He has portrayed various characters representing good and bad. He has received various national awards as well as other awards for his talent. Any actor may present a character in a film, but the person may have a certain degree of social consciousness.[Read More...]