Brian Williams

How the US screws up the world without ever letting its people know what is happening

By John Chuckman | Aletho News | February 12, 2015 Brian Williams, American television network anchor caught telling his audience a fantasy version of his experience on a foreign assignment, has unintentionally provided us with a near perfect allegory and tale of caution about American journalism and the role it plays in politics and foreign […]

LIONEL PODCAST: The Jurassic News Industry Just Got Their Wakeup Call. Again!

Nothing’s changed. Nothing. The anchor. The “news.” Staid, starched and stiff. Your dad’s news. Rehashed and invariably irrelevant by the time it hits your brain at 6:30 PM. Dank, dreary and devoid. Devoid of “new” as news guarantees. Jon Stewart is a revolutionary. Bri-Wi wasn’t and isn’t. And what was and is the subject of the revolution? Stewart mocked the pretentious nature of the news, and its haughtiness; he cut through the dreck. It in fact was the news, not fake news.

LIONEL PODCAST: (TV News) The Perception of What’s Relevant Is What’s Relevant

Perception. Versus truth. Versus reality. It’s perception. Perception as to what’s critical and valid. The Brian Williams fiasco has hit critical mass and, frankly, my interest level has vanished altogether. What still is amazing to me is how politicians’ lies mean absolutely nothing. In the scheme of things, that is. In this podcast is a pastiche of subject matter that I trust you can follow with no difficulty. Confuse it not for desultory, it’s varied and winding. Stream of (un)consciousness. A thought collective. And psychically troubling. That’s the point.