Bad Cop, No Donut

Rohnert Park Cop Acted “Reasonable” When He Pulled Gun on Man With Camera

After an almost three-month investigation, Rohnert Park officials determined the cop who pulled a gun on a man recording him acted “reasonable” and therefore will not be disciplined.
After all, they said, the cop was doing his due diligence in keeping the neighborhood safe, investigating culprits violating city parking codes, when he came across the man with the camera.

St. Louis Prosecutor Pleads Guilty to Covering Up for Cop Friend Who Beat Suspect

A St. Louis prosecutor covered-up for a St. Louis Metropolitan cop who brutally beat a handcuffed suspect and shoved a gun down his throat, chipping a tooth, resulting in the prosecutor’s conviction.
It’s a rare federal criminal conviction of a prosecuting attorney; a charge of misrprision of felony, which requires active steps to cover up a felony.
Bliss Barber Worrell, who admitted to the crime in July 2014, pleaded guilty Monday.

NYPD Cop Body Slams and Pepper Sprays Skateboarder for Ignoring Him

Once again, it appears as if yet another New York City police officer lost control of his emotions, resorting to violence to make an arrest.
This time, the suspect was a 22-year-old skateboarder named Yibin Mu, who was placed in a headlock and body slammed – then pepper sprayed – for skateboarding inside Columbus Circle, a traffic circle near Central Park in Manhattan.