
[Votez !] Grand Prix de la Complaisance Journalistique – Conf. de Presse Macron

Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui d’être membre du jury du Grand Prix de la Complaisance Journalistique, suite à la conférence de Presse du 25 avril de Macron.
Vous pourrez choisir les questions les moins dérangeantes posées à E. Macron – mais aussi voter pour celles que vous auriez aimé voir poser (c’est très rapide, et à la fin de ce billet) : le lien direct vers le sondage est ici.
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La religion du gazon tondu

La machine démarre dans un barouf apocalyptique, vous avancez frénétiquement, puis reculez, puis avancez, puis reculez, tel un robot qui exécute la tâche pour laquelle il a été conçu. Après trente minutes passées à faire des allers-retours machinaux dans un boucan insupportable, une jubilation intérieure explose littéralement. Ça y est, c’est propre ! Tout est rasé à 2 millimètres, c’est […]
The post La religion du gazon tondu first appeared on Le 4ème singe .

Why “Middle-Grounders” May Be As Dangerous As APA Presidents

I just can’t take seriously anyone who presumes that the middle ground is always the voice of reason and the path to truth and justice. Thus, for quite some time, I’ve thought that it not worth my time to react to psychotherapist Gary Greenberg, psychiatrist Allen Frances, and others who try to convince me of their intellectual superiority by virtue of their being above the fray—specifically, above the battle between the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and its allies vs.

Right-Wing Psychiatry, Love-Me Liberals and the Anti-Authoritarian Left

“In every American community you have varying shades of political opinion. One of the shadiest of these is the liberals. An outspoken group on many subjects, ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally.”
—Phil Ochs, Introduction to “Love Me, I’m a Liberal” on the live album, Phil Ochs in Concert (1966)

A Psychologist Explains How People Become Anti-Authoritarians

Lyndon Johnson famously proclaimed his requirements for an appointee: “I want him to kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses.” Johnson and his ass-kissers were authoritarians.
Authoritarian is routinely defined as “favoring blind submission to authority.” Authoritarians with power demand unquestioning obedience from those with lower rank, and authoritarian subordinates comply with all demands of authorities.

Why Many Doctors Are Authoritarians—and Harmful

For several years, I have thought it important to illuminate the authoritarian nature of mental health professionals—especially those who have not rebelled in any way against their professional socialization. In this article, I will summarize a compelling analysis from the Journal of Medical Ethics on the variables in “contemporary medical culture” that produce doctors who are authoritarian and harmful. First, however, some definitions and my personal observations.