
PropOrNot Is Out of Step with President-elect Trump — Paul Craig Roberts

PropOrNot Is Out of Step with President-elect Trump
Paul Craig Roberts
The suppression of truth website, PropOrNot, which hides behind a secret identity in order to libel truthtellers, claims that the Russian government worked with 200 websites, described as “Russian agents,” in order to achieve the election of Donald Trump. A number of Hillary advocates include Trump as a member of the conspiracy.
Trump himself told Time magazine: “I don’t believe Russia interfered.”

President Putin To Grant PCR Russian Passport

President Putin To Grant PCR Russian Passport
Putin is keeping my ridicule of the Washington Post alive, but apparently the Kremlim is prepared to issue me a passport. As the current vice chairman of the Federal Reserve is an Israeli citizen and the former chairman of the Israeli central bank, I suppose I can have a second passport. Will have to look into this.

Washington’s Puppet, Tony Blair, Faces New Charges

Washington’s Puppet, Tony Blair, Faces New Charges
When Will the Clintons, George W. Bush, Dick Chaney, and Obama join Blair in the Dock?
The British government, despite its systematic corruption by the money and power of Washington, remains more honorable than any other Western government. Washington’s agent, former PM Tony Blair, may yet be held accountable for his vast crimes by the British people.