
Great Games and the Islamic Renaissance

Canadian journalist Eric Walberg has produced two very impressive works that between them cover most of what is politically relevant today: Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics and the Great Games, the games being those played on the world political chessboard, and From Postmodernism to Postsecularism: Re-Emerging Islamic Civilization, both from Clarity Press.

Corbett Report- Gladio B & the Battle for Eurasia

Objective: The Destabilization of Central Asia & the Caucasus
‘Operation Gladio B’–the continuation of the old NATO Gladio program–covers a tangled web of covert operatives, billionaire Imams, drug running, prison breaks and terror strikes. Its goal: the destabilization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. In this presentation to Studium Generale in Groningen on November 19, 2014, James Corbett lifts the lid on this operation, its covert operatives, and the secret battle for the Eurasian heartland.

Why Ursula Le Guin's National Book Award Is A Thing

I've never read any of Ursula K. Le Guin's futuristic books, not The Lathe of Heaven, nothing from the Earthsea series, nothing from the Hainish cycle, not Hugo Award winners, The Left Hand of Darkness, The Dispossessed or The Word for World is Forest or any of the many others. After hearing her acceptance speech on radio at the National Book Awards this week (above), I decided to remedy that. In the speech-- a lifetime achievement award-- she went right after Amazon and its deleterious effect on literature through commodification.

The Lone Gladio- Operation Gladio B: NATO-CIA-MI6 Recipe for Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chessboard

James Corbett Interviewed by Jim Hogue on “The Lone Gladio”
Tune in to this extraordinary interview. James Corbett discusses The Lone Gladio, and provides an incredible analysis of the Deep State, Shadow Government, Operation Gladio B, Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Grand Chessboard, the New Cold War, Synthetic Terrorism, Perpetual Wars and much more!
Many thanks to the informed and articulate host, Jim Hogue, for providing this forum to inform and induce needed critical thinking!

The Lone Gladio distills the complexity of the “Deep State” down to its most basic properties- A Review by Mark Mondalek

In its own “web of ambiguity,” The Lone Gladio journeys beyond labels and pegged ideas to frequently ask more of its readers than meets the eye
The Lone Gladio, Sibel Edmonds’ follow-up novel to her 2012 memoir Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story, has a unique literary identity so far as being something of a supplementary text to the autobiographical work that preceded it––not as a mere addendum, however, but an entirely alternate entity in and of itself.