
India and US Bonhomie: Time for a Reality Check

The ongoing India-US rapprochement has been couched in terms of a pact between the “two largest democracies in the world” and similar superlatives. While geographically-challenged Americans may be forgiven for not recognizing their immediate northern neighbour as both a larger nation and a better democracy, mnemonically-challenged Indian pundits should nonetheless subject India-US ties to trend-based reality checks.

Pakistan: Teachers and Farmers Protests Brutally Crushed in Sindh

In recent weeks, as much of the Pakistani media remained fixated on the internecine squabbles of the country’s ruling elites, authorities in Sindh have been brutally cracking down on sections of workers and farmers in the province who’ve had the temerity to defend their rights and fight for improved living standards and working conditions.

In Age of Forest Fires, Israel’s Law Against Palestinian Goats Proves Self-inflicted Wound for Zionism

A ban by Israel on herding black goats – on the pretext they cause environmental damage – is to be repealed after nearly seven decades of enforcement that has decimated the pastoral traditions of Palestinian communities.
The Israeli government appears to have finally conceded that, in an age of climate change, the threat of forest fires to Israeli communities is rapidly growing in the goats’ absence.

Pourquoi tout va s’effondrer (Vidéo)

Si vous pressentez que l’avenir s’annonce morose, qu’il y a peu de chance que tout ce bazar termine dans la joie et la bonne humeur, qu’il existe une infime chance que nous échappions à un effondrement systémique de la civilisation thermo-industrielles, vous n’êtes pas loin du compte. Dans cette vidéo, nous essayons – en nous appuyant sur les données disponibles […]

Pourquoi tout va s’effondrer (Vidéo)

Si vous pressentez que l’avenir s’annonce morose, qu’il y a peu de chance que tout ce bazar termine dans la joie et la bonne humeur, qu’il existe une infime chance que nous échappions à un effondrement systémique de la civilisation thermo-industrielles, vous n’êtes pas loin du compte. Dans cette vidéo, nous essayons – en nous appuyant sur les données disponibles […]

Death by a Thousand Cuts: When the Cures of Big Pharma are Worse than the Diseases

The vaccine debate and prying into Planned Parenthood’s Standard Operating Procedure are two arenas I have not gravitated toward. Genetically-engineered crops, industrial farming, confined feeding operations (CAFOs), dams killing wild salmon, these are my fortes.
The news daily is like death by a thousand cuts for me tied to new studies on collapsing ecosystems, indigenous people fighting against mines and other extractive industries, and more and more on climate change/global warming.

Pourquoi tout va s’effondrer [Vidéo]

Si vous pressentez que l’avenir s’annonce morose, qu’il y a peu de chance que tout ce bazar se termine dans la joie et la bonne humeur, qu’il existe une infime chance que nous échappions à un effondrement systémique de la civilisation thermo-industrielle, vous n’êtes pas loin du compte. Dans cette vidéo, nous essayons – en nous appuyant sur les données […]

‘What humans are capable of is literally unbelievable’

‘Tawai ’ is the word the indigenous hunter-gatherers of Borneo use to describe their connection with nature. It’s also a new film about human potential by explorer Bruce Parry. He talks about balancing scepticism and spirituality, why he gave up sex, and the Siberian mountain named after him
The post ‘What humans are capable of is literally unbelievable’ appeared first on Positive News.