2020 presidential nomination

Elizabeth Warren Apparently Isn't Interested In Becoming Bernie's Vice President

Elizabeth Warren has let her dogs loose on Bernie. In the last week, the PCCC-- which has been respectful of Bernie while they valiantly supported their candidate... even as her campaign started sinking and laying off staff-- has gone into opposition mode against Bernie as though they were dealing with Bloomberg or Trump.

The Candidate's Dilemma: "I call on my opponents to stop calling on me to drop out."

If you put all of the crowds that flock to watch Warren, Buttigieg, Bloomberg and Biden into this arena, would they fill even half of it?by Thomas NeuburgerThe "Prisoner's Dilemma" is a game often analyzed in game theory. In its simplest form, it looks like this:Two prisoners are accused of a crime.

You Know Bloomberg's Not A Democrat... Why Do Some Voters Believe He Is?

The disgusting little Republican oligarch showed his true colors-- colors he's downplaying now as he tries to buy the Democratic Party nomination-- when he addressed an event of predatory Goldman Sachs banksters in a rich-people-only luxury box at Yankee Stadium in 2016. His contempt for the working class was audible and apparent all during his talk, a surreptitious tape of which is now available on soundcloud, as you can hear above.

Is Republican Oligarch Michael Bloomberg Different From A Hot Pile Of Dog Crap? You Tell Me

Last week, Vanessa Williamson of the Brookings Institute wrote about the political force of Bloomberg's tactical charity. Bloomberg gives far more than Trump, but with much the same self-serving motives. "In his quest for the Democratic presidential nomination," wrote Williamson, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has already spent nearly a quarter of a billion dollars, more than that of the major Democratic candidates combined.

The Freakout Escalates: DNC, MSDNC & Korporate Democrats Losing Their Minds Over The Appeal Of Bernie Sanders

-by NoahAbout 20 years ago, I was looking for something to watch on the telly while I ate my dinner and I happened upon the Chris Matthews Hardball show. It was the first time I had ever seen in it and to this day, I simply turn the sound down or switch the channel whenever his show comes on. Why? Simple. First impressions mean a lot. That night Matthews was interviewing Newt Gingrich and it was anything but hardball. Since that night, I've called the show exactly what it is: Nerfball. Chris Mathews interviewing Newtie was no interview.