Portland pesticides, medical errors and unhealthy headlines + this day in history w/Haymarket affair and our song of the day by Japancakes on your Morning Monarchy for May 4, 2016. Link http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/mediamonarchy/~3/tB9bpSULgqU/ Tags @MediaMonarchy #FoodWorldOrder #MorningMonarchy adam yauch Alternative News arrest Australia cancer cartoons Coca-Cola crime disease industry Dole fast food nation FDA flossophy 101 food world order Fukushima gmo Google grocery stores hospital hunger Iraq isis Italy Japancakes johnson and johnson media monarchy medical Michigan military Monsanto Morning Monarchy mp3 oregon pesticides podcast pollution portland Prince research Russia soda Songs Of The Day Sterilization This Day In History Trump USDA Warren Buffett Source Media Monarchy