by Noah It's not hard for a normal person to see Moscow Mitch in the way he appears in tonight's meme. He's a very warped man. This has nothing to do with standards of physical beauty although perhaps Mitch's obvious anger at the world and his desire to overexert power over it and punish it has something to do with his actions. What often happens is that very warped, cruel people start to physically manifest what they are inside. In the case of Mitch McConnell, he seems to be a reverse of the Dorian Gray story. Perhaps, there's a normal looking, untainted version of him closed up in an attic somewhere. I doubt we will ever know. Meanwhile, we have the record of his actions upon this country and now he is adding to them. For months now, he has refused to pass the Coronavirus bill that would help millions of us through the emotional, physical, and financial suffering wrought by his president's successful efforts in maximizing COVID-19's spread to every corner of the country. McConnell refused to bring his do-nothing $enate back into session to do the right thing and help Americans, but he could not even wait until Judge Ginsburg's body was cold before calling them all back to confirm his president's Supreme Court nominee that, it his hope, will increase the damage to American citizens by inhibiting workers rights, civil rights, better healthcare, voting rights, and providing for a cleaner, safer environment. The priorities of his party are as warped as can be. The cruelty is the goal.