I continue to be so amazed at the sheer ignorance of so many of THE MOST STUPIDEST people imaginable, especially in my day to day contact with such morons... Everywhere I have been over these last few weeks (and everyone else can vouch for this themselves..) I have seen so many of the idiots out there wearing those gawd awful face masks that do absolutely NOTHING to stop the spread of ANY diseases, period.. And on top of that, you find these same morons absolutely scared to death to even approach other human beings as they have been brainwashed by the bullshit of "social distancing" as well!Personally, I have absolutely had it with these morons.. But it gets better, for the criminals in the Manitoba government here in central Canada just announced the other day that unless this "pandemic" can be brought under control (which they of course control themselves!) by this autumn, they will "consider" (mandate) that everyone here in Manitoba will be forced by "law" to wear face masks when out in public ANYWHERE... I saw that statement by the hideous Health Care "sinister" Minister for Manitoba, and all I could do was shake my head in disgust, for it shows once again how truly criminal and diabolical these monsters are!So what about all of this FEAR mongering of people catching this supposedly 'dreaded and deadly" disease that is constantly being hammered into the simple minds of the most stupid people imaginable by the consummate liars over at the Jewish controlled media outlets on a still 24/7 basis? Is there any real facts to back up their calls for everyone to 'wear masks" and "social distance" to prevent "catching" this "deadly virus"? Well.. I have news for everyone, for I once again want to present the following important video that comes directly from the horse's mouth aka the criminals at the World Health Organization themselves, where they STATE CLEARLY that any "asymptomatic" aka "person to person" transmission of this supposedly deadly virus is nearly impossible! Here is that video here and of course I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: Well, there you have it...Directly from the WHO themselves!So WHY this now in your face push for "mandatory" face mask wearing? I have not found anyone that can prove me wrong when I state that this is a plan by the criminals in charge to use 'face masks' to WEAKEN the immune systems of the fools that don those face masks and thus make them absolutely susceptible to the upcoming "second wave" that they have planned where they will unleash a REAL strain of a 'virus' that may indeed kill millions... And thus these criminals will have achieved their goal of getting the sheep out there to line up like mutton heads to accept their 'vaccine'!And why do our governments and the "media" continue to lie and not even tell the truth here? They are part of the agenda, and I do hope that everyone remembers these criminals when this lie is fully exposed...Putting them all in jail may not be good enough for them, but hanging the majority from gallows may be a good start...And this video information alone BLOWS AWAY the stupidity of "social distancing" as well.. That scam has always been there just to further isolate everyone and to create so much fear in contact of other human beings! That madness has to stop as well, as we as human beings are social creatures and we are at our best and function better when we are in the company of other human beings...I again want to present that video as a reminder to everyone that this pandemic is and always has been a scam and is now the second greatest hoax in human history (the genocide of the last world war is still possibly the greatest).... And so many suckers and idiots out there are doing exactly what these criminals in charge are wanting them to do!More to comeNTS