Podcast Show #117- “A Deep Throat’s whistleblowing can start the unraveling, but it’s not enough!”

The Boiling Frogs Show Presents Coleen Rowley
Coleen Rowley joins us in a bold discussion on the recent developments involving NSA, congressional impotence, government whistleblowers, and what is really needed to bring about real and meaningful change. She talks about Obama feigning ignorance on his awareness of the extent of the illegal NSA surveillance, and how only moving chairs on the deck of the Titanic would probably suit everyone who was and is a part of the massive and highly profitable Top Secret America spy machine. We discuss Dianne Feinstein’s bill which is designed to codify the existing restrictions the FISA Court has imposed on the NSA, Edward Snowden, US Mainstream Media, how a Deep Throat style whistleblowing can start the unraveling, but not enough on its own, and much more.

Coleen Rowley, a FBI special agent for almost 24 years, was legal counsel to the FBI Field Office in Minneapolis from 1990 to 2003. She came to national attention in June 2002, when she testified before Congress about serious lapses before 9/11 that helped account for the failure to prevent the attacks. She now writes and speaks on ethical decision-making and on balancing civil liberties with the need for effective investigation.

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