DNC meeting here in San Francisco holds debate over holding presidential debate on climate change, as Sanders unveils ambitious plan….--Bernie visits the charred ruins of Paradise, CA and holds rally in Chico to unveil his plan
--NY Times goes to Iowa to report on Biden’s enthusiasm gap, as “Biden or Bust” fans go ballistic on Facebook
--as activist Adam Eichen has advocated, ranked choice voting will be tested in Iowa next year
--in fresh, in-depth interview, reporter Trevor Aaronson cautions against new laws to address ill-defined “domestic terrorism”
--more than 40 communities nationwide have faced ransomware attacks, no Russians suspected
--Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be spewing pro-Trump lies from Fox “News” as Sean Spicer heads for Dancing With the Stars
--the powerful right wing news outlet we’ve never heard of, The Western Journal, complains that Facebook and Google have decimated their reach
--Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne resigns after he revealed he had informed on Maria Butina for the FBI, and we hear James Bamford’s reality check on the “Russian spy”
--Fidel Narvaez, a former diplomat at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, offers 40 rebuttals to CNN’s false reporting on Julian Assange
--Dana Jill Simpson, the whistleblower who helped expose Karl Rove’s railroading of former AL Gov. Don Siegelman, is fighting breast cancer, needs our help
--at WashPost, Philip Rucker makes good case that Trump thinks all American Jews should support him because of his extreme support of Israel
--in new book, 40 Jewish intellectuals fight to reclaim Judaism from Zionism
--Myanmar’s plans to repatriate expelled Rohynga are a sham
--Max Blumental files video report on the 40th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution
--WashPost details the internal struggle over ICE and Pentagon contracts at Palantir
--Chicago Tribune conducts independent tests of cellphone radiation