Israel Did 9-11: What's Behind The "Saudis Did 9-11" Lie?

It puzzles me to this day that people still do not get it... The worse "terrorist" attack ever conducted on the United States on September 11th, 2001 was absolutely 100% done by the Israelis and their agents operating in America...THAT is absolutely true and has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt..... However, thanks to the power of the Jew spew media and the Jew run government in the United States, most Americans are still stupidly believing the horse crap that it was done by "19 A-rrrabbbbss using "boxcutters"".   Recently, with the US Government,  realizing that the American people were on the verge of waking up to the truth about the psychopathic Jewish criminals that run their nation and were responsible for the deaths of some 3000 Americans on 911, tried to push forward the ridiculous notion that "Saudi Arabia" was responsible for those attacks, and promoted an absolutely bullshit "report" containing some "28 pages" of documents showing that the Saudis financed and aided the "terrorists" responsible for those attacks..... They indeed hoped that the American people would be gullible enough to swallow this latest horse crap......But there is still some nagging questions about these "28 pages" that are suddenly in the news now, especially WHY NOW? And what is the US/Israel cabal having to gain by this "release" at this time, some 15 years after the fact?  Well, to help answer these questions, I want to turn to an article from Mike King, who of course writes "Tomato Bubble" at, that is entitled: "What's Behind The "Saudis Did 9-11" Lie?".... I have the link to that article right here for all of my own readers to view for themselves, and I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  Mike King may have something here.. I do remember that some of the nefarious documents that were written back in the 1990's including the "Securing The Realm" blueprint for Jewish hegemony over the entire Middle East did call for the destruction and break up of so many of Israel's neighbours and so called "sworn enemies" including Saudi Arabia.....But there is a twist in all this, when you do consider the fact that Saudi Arabia itself is run by JEWS and is controlled by the Saudi 'royal family' that are indeed Jewish!  Therefore if Israel is indeed wanting to have Saudi Arabia destroyed in their sick and twisted want for domination of the region, then it appears that the Jews in Israel have no love for their fellow Jews running the Saudi kingdom....But by now we all know that the Jews will indeed kill their fellow Jews when necessary....It does appear that the vilification of Saudi Arabia is now in full swing, with the Jew run compliant media that has been brainwashing Americans for years on US Talmudvision networks is now working on the minds of Americans with this lie that Saudi Arabia did 9-11.... The net result will be the usual "hate Muslims" rhetoric and the suckering of the gullible Americans into the belief that Saudi Arabia must be destroyed.......And the brainwashed Americans will send their young men and women off to fight another war for Israel....Hopefully by now more people are awakened to the reality that Saudi Arabia, even though that nation is a brutal dictatorship, had little or nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks... The real culprit is and always has been the psychotic and criminal nation of Israel..... Therefore the "28 pages" document is again nothing but a bunch of lies and pure propaganda bullshit...More to comeNTS