UN security council

The Role of the Private Sector in Building Peace: It’s Essential

A project of the UN Development Program has enabled the Aatral Arasi Palmyrah Crafts, a group in Sri Lanka, to grow. The author of this essay says, however, that in postwar societies, the private sector must play a major role in rebuilding societies to ensure lasting economic recovery. 
Another year of Secretary-General António Guterres’s reform of the peace and security pillar of the United Nations is ending without fully addressing a main obstacle to peacebuilding in conflict-torn countries under UN intervention: sustainable economic recovery.

‘Welcome to Turtle Bay’: Nikki Haley’s (Imagined) Letter to Heather Nauert

Nikki Haley, the US ambassador, flanked by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, addressing the press at UN headquarters in New York, July 20, 2018, after a private meeting with the Security Council on North Korea. Haley is leaving the post by the end of the year and Donald Trump has nominated Heather Nauert, State Department spokesperson, for the UN job.
Dear Heather,

Ivory Coast’s Priorities in the UN Security Council: Postwar Peace

Ambassador Kacou Houadja Léon Adom of the Ivory Coast, Dec. 3, 2018. He said that his country, recovering from a civil war, had lessons to offer the UN Security Council on how to maintain peace. 
The Ivory Coast holds the rotating presidency in December in the United Nations Security Council at a pivotal point in its membership in the world body. The West African country was elected to its current term in the Council just as the last peacekeeping troops left in 2017, ending the UN’s presence there after a civil war that devastated the country for 15 years.

When Is an Attack on UN Peacekeepers a War Crime and When Is It Not?

A trip by the members of the UN Security Council, above background, to the Congo in October 2018 included meeting with female political candidates (front rows) who are competing in the country’s Dec. 23 elections. Recent murders of UN peacekeepers in the Congo raise the question as to whether the Council is clear on the consequences of peacekeepers becoming parties to a conflict. MICHAEL ALI/Monusco

The UN’s Combat Troops in the Congo: ‘They Were Not Supposed to Die’

A memorial service was held for the six peacekeepers from Malawi and one from Tanzania who died during clashes with the ADF militia in the Congo on Nov. 15, 2018. Seventeen members of the same UN force intervention brigade were killed nearly a year ago battling the ADF. MIRIAM ASMANI/MONUSCO 
United Nations peacekeepers working for the mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo were killed by a militia in a jungle in North Kivu Province on Nov. 15, leaving seven soldiers dead: six Malawians and one Tanzanian. Ten were injured.

End of Hegemony: UN Must Reflect Changing World Order

There is a rational explanation of why India and Brazil, two countries with vast populations and large and growing economies, are not permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The Council – made up of 5 permanent and ten rotating members – was designed to reflect a world order that was birthed from the horrific violence of World[Read More...]

Nikki Haley: “US Will Not Remain A Passive Observer As Nicaragua Becomes Another Venezuela Or Syria”

The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley warned the UN Security Council on Wednesday that Nicaragua is heading down the path that led to conflict in Syria and an economic collapse in Venezuela.
“With each passing day, Nicaragua travels further down a familiar path,” Haley told a meeting of the UN Security Council on the deteriorating environment in the Central American country. “It is a path that Syria has taken. It is a path that Venezuela has taken.”

Iran Accuses Trump of Planning to “Abuse” the United Nations

(MEMO) — Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused US President Donald Trump on Wednesday of planning to “abuse” the presidency of the UN Security Council to criticise Tehran, Washington’s arch-foe, Reuters reports. The US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said on Tuesday that Trump would chair a UN Security Council meeting on Iran this month to […]