UN security council

Trump Will Chair UN Security Council Meeting on Iran

(ANTIWAR.COM) — On September 26, the UN Security Council will hold a meeting on Iran. President Trump has been confirmed to personally chair the meeting, as the US holds the council presidency for the current month. US officials say Trump will focus on allegations of Iran violating international law and fueling “general instability” in the Middle East. It is […]

Richard Falk on Palestine, Israel and the UN in the Trump Age

Richard Falk, who was the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Palestine, from 2008 to 2014, speaking in the Human Rights Council, June 2013. Falk said the current discourse from the United States on the Israeli-Palestinian fight has abandoned all pretenses of “impartiality” and clarified that Palestinian interests are “irrelevant.” Jean-Marc Ferré/UN Photo

US Officially Accuses Iran of Violating UN Security Council Resolutions

(MEMO) — US UN envoy Nikki Haley slammed Iran Wednesday ahead of a UN Security Council meeting, Anadolu reports. "The United States will not allow #Iran’s violations and destructive actions to go unchecked, and we urge members of the Security Council to do the same. The evidence in this latest report shows us all too clearly the consequences of […]

The Moral Mask

It feels as if world events are in overdrive, and sometimes it’s hard to escape the thought that there is no longer much point in trying to analyse, or make sense of, a trajectory increasingly out of control.
I see little evidence that those of us in the segment of the world political spectrum likely to read these words need much persuasion — nor that those who consider us dupes of the Evil Vladimir, or apologists for what was once called the “Yellow Peril”, could ever have any inclination to even glance at the arguments and sentiments of those they consider so utterly deluded.

Gasbag UK ambassador invokes Karl Marx against Russia, peddling Douma gas hoax (VIDEO)

There was a time when the name Great Britain was synonymous with the highest standards in pretty much everything: art, science, engineering, industry, and education.
The British were the envy of the world – and they owned a good chunk of it.
Oh, how low the mighty have fallen.
Tuesday night, the world was privileged to have the following ignominy foisted upon it by the UK at the UN Security Council:

US, Russia on Collision Course in Syria Despite Emergency UN Meeting

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The UN Security Council led an emergency meeting Monday related to the allegations of a Saturday chemical weapons attack in Syria. The meeting was called at the behest of the US and its allies. As with most emergency meetings, little of substance was accomplished, and it mostly boiled down to the US and Russia criticizing each […]

Russia controls Douma, guarantees impartial investigation; that makes US attack MORE likely

Amidst all the fury about the alleged chemical attack on Douma on Sunday, it is impossible to hold on to one single vital fact.
There have been two previous occasions when chemical weapons attacks had resulted in actual or threatened US military action.  The first was in 2013 in East Ghouta, the second was in 2017 in Khan Sheikhoun.
On both those occasions the Jihadis after the alleged attacks retained control of the alleged crime scene, ie. of the place where the chemical weapons attack was supposed to have happened.

Skripal case: Russia counter-attacks; Britain responds by tightening access to Yulia Skripal

If during the first three weeks of the Skripal crisis it was the British who made the running, over the last two weeks the initiative has slowly shifted to the Russians.
As is often the way, the Russians – caught by surprise by a crisis that seemed to come out of nowhere – initially responded reactively.
However as the weeks have passed they have gradually found their footing, and are now starting to score points.