
Samantha Power, Ebola, and Obama’s Scramble for Africa

It is crucial to re-examine Samantha Power’s actions and decision-making during the Ebola epidemic in relation to the broader historical context of President Barack Obama and AFRICOM (Africa Command)’s covert Scramble for Africa. AFRICOM is the brainchild of Dick Cheney who, after his energy task force identified African oil as ripe for the picking, conspired […]

Drought in the Horn of Africa: Worst in 40 Years

The Horn of Africa (HoA) is once again being battered by climate change induced drought, with the UN report, over “20 million people, and at least 10 million children facing severe drought conditions.” Desperately needed support from UN agencies (World Food Programme (WFP), UNHCR and UNICEF) is limited due to lack of donations from member […]
The post Drought in the Horn of Africa: Worst in 40 Years first appeared on Dissident Voice.

A history of naked imperialism continues as Biden approves Somalia redeployment

Biden has reversed Donald Trump’s withdrawal of US forces from Somalia and will redeploy Special Operations Forces. It is just the latest move in a long history of destructive US-UK meddling in the Horn of Africa. Almost as soon as the administration of President Joseph Biden announced a redeployment of US Special Operations Forces to Somalia on May 16, the Western media began to spin the intervention. As the BBC framed it, Biden’s deployment would “support the fight against militant […]

Using and abusing Djibouti: How the US transformed a tiny African state into a hub of imperial aggression

From Djibouti, the US trains proxies and bombs strategically-important countries in the name of democracy and counterterrorism. To justify the country’s militarization, Washington hypes fears over China’s regional ambitions. In a blatant threat to China’s presence, Djibouti recently hosted the US-led “Allied Appreciation Day,” in which Britain, France, and Japan showcased “a variety of equipment that is part of their military operations in the Horn of Africa” (HOA). The Pentagon’s Combined Joint Task Force-HOA reported that the events fused Armistice, […]

World and Regional Powers Shape the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia Bites the Dust

If the US aspires to protect its long-held vital interests and democratic values in its relations with Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, it is time to reset its ill-consulted policies pushed by the Egyptian and Tigray rebel’s paid US lobbyists, organizations that are interested in nothing but the destabilization of the Ethiopian State, and […]

India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway to Join the UN Security Council for the 2021-22 Term

Kelly Craft, the US envoy to the UN, arriving in the morning at the General Assembly Hall to cast her country’s secret ballot for various UN elections, June 17, 2020. By the afternoon, the new members of the Security Council were announced: India, Ireland, Mexico and Norway. The race between Djibouti and Kenya for the African seat goes to another round. ESKINDER DEBEBE/UN PHOTO

Djibouti dans la nasse chinoise… Par Richard Labévière

Source : Proche & Moyen-Orient, Richard Labévière, 01-04-2019
En mer entre Djibouti et le Mozambique, 28 mars 2019.
Comme chaque année depuis 2016, une partie de la rédaction de a appareillé de Djibouti pour l’océan Indien. Cette opportunité nous permet, notamment de mesurer l’évolution du « grand jeu djiboutien » qui se déploie au beau milieu d’un axe stratégique vital pour la défense et la sécurité de la France : Méditerranée/mer Rouge/océan Indien.

Documents Reveal Saudi-Backed Gov’t in Yemen Granted Citizenship to Charlie Hebdo Attacker Peter Cherif

DJIBOUTI — During the four years of war against it, Yemen has been subjected to numerous flagrant violations of its sovereignty by the Saudi-led Coalition, ranging from the occupation of its southern districts to a devastating blockade, not to mention the deliberate targeting and murder of thousands of civilians.