Cloud push, credit crash and algorithm advice + this day in history w/the start of the Six Day War and our song of the day by Gorillaz on your Morning Monarchy for June 5, 2018. Link Tags @MediaMonarchy #CyberSpaceWar #MorningMonarchy addiction Alan Bean algorithms alphabet inc. Alternative News Amazon Apple Atari Awan brothers bitcoin cashless society China CIA cnn contracts cyber space war dgfffcf DOD drones Facebook FBI Flickr Fox github Goldman Sachs Google Gorillaz Hillary Clinton home assistants IMSI insider trading Israel Kate Spade Las Vegas media monarchy Michael Flynn Microsoft Morning Monarchy mp3 NASA NSA oregon podcast portland Project Maven research resignation robots sellouts Six Day War Smartphones smugmug Songs Of The Day StingRay suicide Surveillance Ted Dabney the cloud This Day In History Trump twitter veterans video games Visa Washington state WHITE HOUSE Source Media Monarchy