war on drugs

The Wire Season 4 Review (Preview)

In this penultimate review episode I look at how the education system is a poor place to learn anything, how standardised testing is a form of child abuse, the fundamental problems of electoral politics, and expand on why an intelligence-based approach to societal problems is always better than a military-based approach. I also talk about the politicisation of police investigations, the relevance of Michel Foucault and what The Wire has to do with the murder of Meir Kahane by followers of the Blind Sheikh.

FLASHBACK: Vietnam War and The Heroin Epidemic, and a Case of Déjà Vu

It’s a case of déjà vu The parallels between US military conquests in Vietnam and Afghanistan are uncanny. Afghanistan has since overtaken Vietnam as the longest war in American history. During both conflicts, narcotics production spiked to record levels, as did the availability of cheap heroin on the streets of North America and Europe. Notice how the mainstream media refuses to connect the dots. It’s not merely correlation – it’s causation.

The Wire Season 2 Review (Preview)

In the second of my subscriber-only reviews of The Wire I look at season 2. Focusing on smuggling through the port of Baltimore this season explores how capitalism has evolved to a post-industrial phase dominated by service industries like sex and drugs, how investigating sex slavery is relegated behind lesser crimes, and the parallels between […](Read more...)

New Study Highlights Devastating Global Effects of War on Drugs

Another major study designed to assess how national governments wage their so-called “war on drugs” shows that the last ten years of such policies have not only failed to put a dent in the illegal drug trade, the tactics have had serious negative impacts for global health, human rights, public safety and economic progress.
As a result, the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), the international group behind the report, is calling for a major rethinking of global policy on narcotics and an end to the failed efforts that governments refuse to relinquish.