J.D. Scholten

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Trumpiest Of Them All?

Do we need more like this in Congress?Georgia is lousy with white Trumpists-- especially outside the Atlanta Metro, where Hillary did even better than Obama had. Trump won the state's 16 electoral votes 2,089,104 (51.05%) to 1,877,963 (45.89%). Even during the Republican primary, Trump won every single one of Georgia's 159 counties except 4 in the Atlanta Metro plus Clarke County (Athens), all of which were won by Rubio.

Trump's Favorability Has Dropped In Every Single State-- And That Will Hurt Republicans In November

Trump is underwater-- and so is his party-- especially in swing statesWe were all aware that Señor Trumpanzee’s net approval rating-- the percentage of people who approve of the president minus the percentage who disapprove-- has declined nationally since January 2017 but what's a little surprising is that

Trump Tosses The GOP Another Live Grenade Before The Midterms: Pre-existing Conditions

As you see from the responses from the pessimistic commenters on my Friday night tweet, not everyone feels Señor Trumpanzee's decision to enable insurance companies to start denying insurance to people with "pre-existing conditions." Ending that practice was always one of the most popular pieces of Obamacare, even among people who didn't support Obamacare.

Ryan's SuperPAC Is Setting Up Offices Everywhere To Save Trump Enablers

National SuperPACs operate out of Washington DC. I guess they could have a satellite office in L.A. or Chicago or NYC, although few are so fancy to even do that. But after Ryan passed the TaxScam, the Koch brothers patted him on the head, said "good boy," and gave him $500 million to play with. That's why Ryan's PAC has set up an office in... hold on, Spokane.