Ryan's SuperPAC Is Setting Up Offices Everywhere To Save Trump Enablers

National SuperPACs operate out of Washington DC. I guess they could have a satellite office in L.A. or Chicago or NYC, although few are so fancy to even do that. But after Ryan passed the TaxScam, the Koch brothers patted him on the head, said "good boy," and gave him $500 million to play with. That's why Ryan's PAC has set up an office in... hold on, Spokane. It's also how Ryan can afford to give a $5,000 check to 143 Republicans in Congress ($715,000). Axios reported that each chief of staff for the 143 was invited over to his office Tuesday to have some bagels and coffee-- and pick up the 5 grand. Many of the mist vulnerable incumbents need the money since challengers are outraising them heavily.Let's look at California as an example. Democrats out out-raising Republicans up and down the state. As of the December 31 FEC reporting deadline, Republican incumbent Dana Rohrabacher had brought in $1,110,094 and had $713,144 cash on hand, while one of the crowded field of Democrats raised $1,225,534 and had $833,688 in his campaign war-chest and 4 others were all raising 6-figures. Of course some the fundraising is embarrassing for Democrats or even quasi-Democrats, like these two jokers, who are just writing checks for themselves from money neither of them earned. When will Pelosi ever learn that voters want authenticity, not multimillionaire crooks out to buy seats in our House of Representatives? That was rhetorical. I'm afraid I know the answer.I just spoke with J.D. Scholten, the progressive Democrat running against Iowa bigot and crackpot Steve King. JD outraised King this last quarter $174,343.57 to King's $87,543.50. Scholten's cash-on-hand is an impressive $133,522.62 while King-- who just pays his son and daughter-in-law massive salaries out of his campaign funds-- only has $52,578.83 in his campaign war-chest. J.D.: "We're grateful for the amount of support this campaign has received. At first, our focus was to get out on the road to engage with as many people as possible. At the time, people liked us simply because I wasn’t Steve King. Now we’re seeing the shift to people responding to our message of inclusiveness. I’m fighting for an inclusive health care system, an inclusive economy, and an inclusive community. My campaign is about beating Steve King, but our grassroots movement is about invoking the voice of the working class in Iowa’s 4th District."But Ryan's SuperPAC means business and the DCCC better get some of their silly candidates out of the way or they're going to blow their chances to win in districts they should be able to roll up. Ryan's Congressional Leadership Fund is putting millions of dollars into field operations-- ergo, the auxiliary office in Spokane to save Cathy McMorris, a Ryan puppet, one of 27 offices Ryan has already opened thanks to the big-spending billionaires who are writing huge checks to keep Democrats from taking back Congress, including district offices to try to save Mimi Waters (CA-45), Mike Coffman (CO-06), Mike Bost (IL-12), Kevin Yoder(KS-03), Mike Bishop (MI-08), Peter Roskam (IL-06), Tom MacArthur (NJ03), John Katko (NY-24), John Culberson (TX-07), Leonard Lance (NJ-07), Don Bacon (NE-02), Lloyd Smucker (PA-16), Ryan Costello (PA-06), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-08), Will Hurd (TX-23), Carlos Curbelo (FL-26), Rod Blum (IA-01), Andy Barr (KY-06), Erik Paulsen (MN-03), and Scott Taylor (VA-02). Ryan is promising another 8 offices for a total of 35.The Ryan PAC's executive director, Corry Bliss: "Our data-driven field program is expanding, but more importantly, our staff and interns are building relationships and having ongoing conversations with voters across key congressional districts fourteen months before the midterm elections."On Monday, Seattle PI reporter Joel Connelly wrote that "The SuperPAC of House Speaker Paul Ryan, in a tacit admission that even solid Republican districts are in danger, is setting up a field office in Spokane to boost seven-term GOP Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers. A member of the House Republican Leadership, McMorris Rodgers has supported President Trump, been an outspoken opponent of Obamacare and boosted Republicans' recently passed tax reform package. She is facing a formidable challenger in Democrat Lisa Brown. Brown served until recently as chancellor of Washington State University-Spokane, and is a former majority leader in the Washington State Senate. Voicing delight that Ryan's forces are moving in to rescue McMorris Rodgers, Brown tweeted: 'Help us counter the effects of this outside dark money by joining us. The Congressional Leadership Fund, Ryan's political committee, is part of a planned $100 million campaign to hold onto the Republican Party's 24-seat majority against an anticipated Democratic 'wave' in the November elections... Brown has raised more than $400,000.  She is well known in Eastern Washington.  She has taught at its universities and is coming off a big win for Wazzu, the establishment of a Washington State University Medical School in Spokane, a cause she championed in the Legislature and as chancellor."