Elizabeth Warren

Don't Be So Sure The Democratic Party Has Moved Left The Way The Corporate Media Says It Has

The Morning Consult poll released by Politico this morning shows an electorate moving sharply left... at least on taxing the super-wealthy. The two party establishments may not like the progressive tax reform ideas Bernie, Elizabeth Warren and AOC are bringing up, but the voters do-- overwhelmingly. The Morning Consult poll shows 76% of registered voters believe the wealthiest Americans should pay more in taxes.

Republicans In Congress Will Sink With Trump In 2020 Because They're In Too Deep To Extricate Themselves

Has he gotten better, Susie?A few days ago Susan Collins (R-ME), who faces a tough reelection battle next year, was asked on PBS NewsHour live by Judy Woodruff whether she will endorse Trump's reelection bid. Her reply must be pissing Trump off no end-- "I'm not prepared at this point to make that decision." When pressed if she'd endorse Trump later, she refused to budge: "I don’t know.

Yes, A Wealth Tax Is Constitutional-- A Elizabeth Warren's Plan Is Solid

Last week, even before Elizabeth Warren announced her wealth tax plan, I went back and forth with Alan Grayson about the constitutionality of the whole concept of a wealth tax. The original wealth tax post we ran about it on Thursday left out the constitutionality piece from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy report, the assertion that it would be constitutional.

Trump's Wealth Tax Plan Is A Billion Times More Radical Than Ocasio's Marginal Tax Rate Proposal

As I've been explaining, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's 60-70% marginal tax rate on all annual income over $10,000,000 would struggle be be called moderate. It's actually quite conservative. How many people have annual incomes of over $10,000,000? And those very few people who do, would only have to pay the 60-70% rate on the income over $10,000,000. That threshold is absurd and should be down around $800,000 (with perhaps a 40% rate) then rise to a million dollars with a 50% rate and climb gradually (rates increasing) towards $5 million will the top rate-- 80% kicks in.

Elizabeth Warren Wants Democrats To Pledge: No Self Funding

When Elizabeth Warren did her first interview after announcing the formation of a presidential exploratory committee, she chose Rachel Maddow. You can safely skip another typically exciting 5 full minute Maddow windup. The point I would like to get to was Warren's call-- at around the 9:40 moment on the video-- for Democrats to eschew campaign money from what Bernie calls "the billionaire class," including self-funders (Tom Steyer and, especially, on-again/off-again Republican Michael Bloomberg). "Just think about this upcoming Democratic primary," said Warren.

Elizabeth Warren and the Military Industrial Complex

WASHINGTON —  Senator Elizabeth Warren is making strides to characterize her foreign policy vision as a progressive one after she announced she’d be forming an exploratory committee for a presidential run. But her record on the issues and her associations with war hawks contrasts sharply with her liberal rhetoric.
One executive of a defense firm said the perception in the industry is that Warren is not “adversarial” to them.