
Church Allows Homeless to Sleep Overnight, Gives Them Blankets

(TMU) — Nearly 15 years ago, St. Boniface church in San Francisco began opening their doors for homeless people in need of shelter. The effort was started by Father Louis Vitale of the church, and community activist Shelly Roder, in 2004 and is known as The Gubbio Project. Hundreds of people each day pass through the church, […]

Introduction to Orthodox Philosophy: The Icon Documentary

I am often asked for a basic approach to my philosophy and worldview: Given our immersion in an image-dominated culture which is rapidly moving away from the necessary skills of reading and comprehension, the irony of the loss of literacy will likely lead to something akin to older iconographic importance for mass audiences.  We already see this trend with the popularity of Instagram and memes – another version of pale attempts at icons.

Islam, Weaponized Migration & Western Civilization

The degenerate, sterile West is falling to Islam by design. The globalist plan, as mentioned by many of their top “leftists” like Bertrand Russell, has been to depopulate and alter the demographics drastically in order to bring about a genuinely technocratic global world order. Far from the problem of the West being “idiot” liberals and moron SJWs, the real strategists are anything but, and know good and well liberalism and Islam are both tools on the global chessboard.

Kansan Fired From Republican Kris Kobach’s Office For Not Going To Church

A Kansas woman testified in federal court Tuesday that she believes she was fired from Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s office because she did not go to church.
Courtney Canfield sued the secretary of state’s office and Assistant Secretary of State Eric Rucker, the man who hired her. Kobach is not named in the lawsuit.

Iowa City Under Fire For Using Zoning Restriction To Shutdown Church That Fed Homeless

A church in Davenport, Iowa, facing zoning restrictions related to its outreach program to feed the homeless, is appealing its local council and questioning the legality of the city’s regulations. This all stems from a cease and desist order they received — because feeding the homeless is not allowed when you’re zoned as a church.

It’s Official: International Church of Cannabis Opens on 4/20 in Colorado

(ANTIMEDIA) A former Lutheran church in Denver, Colorado, is about to become a marijuana sanctuary called the International Church of Cannabis. It will open on the de facto stoner holiday, April 20.
The Elevationists, as they call themselves, say they seek to “offer a home to adults everywhere who are looking to create the best version of themselves by way of the sacred plant.” The ‘home’ has ceiling and walls painted in bright, vibrant colors and geometric shapes.