Victoria Nuland

Trump-- Already Making America Less Safe With His Adderall-Fueled Twitter Feuds

Wednesday, Mexico's president, Enrique Peña Nieto, announced he was thinking about canceling his meeting with Señor el Presidente Trumpanzee in Washington next week, as a matter of Mexican national pride. Within hours, Thursday morning, he tweeted that he canceled the meeting with the deranged, Adderall-addicted orange orangoutang.

Never the Twain Shall Meet

Interpretation, when applied to myth making, can and does translate ideas into artefacts for the purpose of objectifying the status of subjective reality. A subjective narrative that is woven into a historic narrative can consolidate the common identity of a people. However, without having recourse to mechanisms that can project the voice of the people beyond the local context in which they exist, the opportunity for dialogue is limited.

Poor Liberals: You have Nobody to Blame but Yourselves

Poor liberals – for years you have toiled in vain for the betterment of humanity. Martyring yourselves for the greater good, you have attained a new level of sophistication and moral superiority, the likes of which we may never see again. It makes me weep such tears of bitterest woe, seeing your saintly queen of benevolence, fail to be anointed Queen Mass Murderer of The Earth.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 64 Chuch Ochelli on the Election, AI, Wikileaks, and more

My guest with week was the one and only Chuck Ochelli of The Ochelli Effect. Chuck and I had a wide ranging discussion about the current state of affairs here at home and around the world. We began by touching on the recent fall out from the Trump tapes and how this is being interpreted by the public. Chuck and I mention that the lawsuit against Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein for raping a 13 year old is no where to be seen. Chuck and I talk about the hypocrisy from both sides when it comes to talking about sexual violence.