
Now You See Why This Crazy Movie Was Suppressed!

#movies #weird #funny
Why has Demon Seed by Dean Kooter been overlooked? If you watch the film, you can begin to see why. Too much was revealed and the UK industry couldn’t handle it. In this analysis I delve into the symbolism and hidden meanings rife throughout, while postulating my own theory about the Babalon Working as the real meaning! If you like this analysis, subscribe to my site JaysAnalysis for more!

Daniel Predicts the Time of Christ (Half)

Many requested a companion talk to the Daniel article. Here, we investigate how we have a unique philosophy of history and how evangelicalism is incorrect. Many prophetic texts are already fulfilled and specifically referred to the time of the First Advent of Christ and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. In the second hour we discuss the specifics of Daniel and how he predicts Christmas!