Lionel Audio

LIONEL PODCAST: Vaccines Fascists & Martial Law For Starters

North who? NORTHCOM. “Created in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) is charged with responsibility for overall military defense of the U.S. homeland and defense support of civil authorities (DSCA).” Those simple words belie the potential for incomprehensible and inconceivable excess. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.

LIONEL PODCAST: A Ventilation Friday for the Ages

“I am the flail of god. Had you not created great sins, god would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” ― Genghis Khan, Genghis Khan’s Rules for (Warriors) Writers
I apologize in advance. There’s nothing I can write to properly prepare you for this word journey and salad. Nothing to explicate or limn today’s disquisition. Nothing. The streamiest of consciousness. Fluid, untethered, open, unpretentious, deconstructed and free. Enjoy.

LIONEL PODCAST: Amy Schumer’s “C**t”

The perfect word for perfect deception. That’s the truth. Bullshit, that is. All that you’re told is mendacious connivance. Period. Partly with the desire to confuse and distort but mostly out of laziness and intellectual torpor. No need to clarify or explain. No need to illuminate and counter the status quo. The Jurassic mainstream media in particular are mere trying to tread water, unaware that there’s a landslide upon them, nearing down and in its crosshairs. They’ve no interest in challenging convention or the status quo. No concerns either way about much of anything.

LIONEL PODCAST: Ashley Judd Needs a Lesson in Criminal Law

This is not in any way a crime. Ashley Judd says that she intends to press charges against those who have been harassing her on Twitter with threats of sexual violence. Threats of sexual violence. I’m not too sure about that. Long-distance, ethereal “threats.” And I’m not being too priggish as it comes to her allegations. They are severe and demand scrupulous deconstruction. She wades into March Madness nonsense with mouth-breathers and knuckle-draggers and is surprised when monosyllabic rubes weigh in. Puh-leeze, Ms. Judd.