fox news

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIf one cartoon could define the traitorous attitude of FOX "News" and the traitorous propagandists that broadcast from there, this one just might do the job. Of course, a demented megalomaniac named Rudy Giuliani would pathetically moan and whimper that his bug-eyed batshit crazy headshot be used instead of a mere drawing of his predecessor. Sigh, so many loons and goons to choose from!

Roger Stone BLASTS Robert Mueller and Deep State puppets, Eric “surfer” Swalwell and Adam “kwok of Schiff” (Video)

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly focusing his attention on the relationship between former top Trump campaign official Rick Gates, and political operative and former Trump adviser Roger Stone.
Tucker Carlson interviewed the always colorful Stone last night.
As expected, Roger Stone blasted the all powerful, special counsel Robert Mueller, and the hoax Democrat driven Russia collusion witch hunt, which is costing Roger Stone nearly one million USD in legal fees. 

Bad Cop – Good Cop, Part Deux – Trump blasts Iran deal, while Macron proposes fixing it

Once again, the mainstream American press is blindsided by their commitment to defraud the US President. Last week, CNN and other networks excoriated President Trump because he did NOT go for new sanctions against Russia, but stopped them from happening. Today the media narrative pivoted to Iran, and as usual, President Trump has launched into this problem with all rhetorical guns a-blazing:

WATCH Tucker Carlson guns BLAZING on Russia warmongers, OWNS Hillary Clinton flunky

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is exploding in prime time cable ratings. And it’s not hard to see why.
Apart from scathingly criticizing liberal-left politically correct lunacy, Carlson offers an unbelievable dose of truth and common sense on foreign policy – glaringly missing from western mainstream media, including Fox News itself.

And he’s done it again above – blasting the Washington elite’s obsession with their McCarthyite inquisition in search of a crime Donald Trump or his associates might have committed in “collusion” with Russia.

Tucker Carlson accused of pushing ‘Russian propaganda’ [VIDEO]

In previous pieces examining Tucker Carlson’s very honest analysis, we also saw how at times it gets blown to shreds by his own defensive behavior when questioned. Since the modus operandi of the American mainstream press (of which Fox News a part) is a sensationalized yelling match instead of a legitimate and civilized debate, it is often difficult to separate the rhetoric from the reality.

Fox News figures out motive for chemical attack in Syria: ‘Assad does this to provoke Trump’ (Video)

General Jack Keane reacts after at least 40 people are killed in a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria, says a tough response is needed if the use of chemicals is verified.
The four star General, who is sure to be in bed with all the big military manufacturers, says that the United States military should ‘take out the entire Assad airpower infrastructure’, something sure to boost the stock prices of MIC corporations.

Mattis tells Bolton, “I hear you’re the Devil incarnate” [VIDEO]

President Trump sure knows how to keep the hits coming. In the last few weeks there have been some new cabinet and advisory picks and appointments made by him. One of the more significant ones lately was the selection of John Bolton as the new National Security Advisor, an appointment scheduled to take effect on April 9, 2018.
John Bolton comes to the job with a reputation of being a complete “America Firster” kind of guy, and one of the major criticisms of the man is that he is a consummate warmonger or at least, a hawk, whether it is well conceived or not.